Minggu, 18 Mei 2014

12 Jurus Jitu Meroketkan Bisnis

Judul: 12 Jurus Jitu Meroketkan Bisnis
Penulis: Ellies Sutrisna
Penerbit: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Berat: 150gr
Harga: Rp.30.000,- belum termasuk ongkir.
Kondisi: Baru, masih dibungkus plastik dari penerbit

”ln this powerful book, Ellies Sutrisna shares the formula for taking your bussiness to levels of success you may never dreamed possible.Her masterful blend of story-telling and concise business writing makes 12 SMART WAYS T0 ROCKET YOUR BUSINESS a most enjoyable as well as a 'must' read."
-          Campbell Fraser, Creator, FocalPoint Business Coaching Powered by Brian Tracy
"Which is more dangerous? Flying a rocket or driving a car? The answer depends on who is driving. Which is more dangerous? A well trained rocket pilot or someone driving a car for the very first time? So you see, anything is dangerous and difficult when you are not well trained.On the other hand,anything is possible when you are well trained, especially when you are trained using a proven methodology by an experienced coach.This book is exactly all of the above.You will learn proven methodologies by an experienced coach, trainer and entrepreneur- to take off and rocket your business to greater heights! Excellent flight instructions! Must read!"
-          James Gwee, |ndonesia's Favourite Seminar Speaker &Trainer,
Author of 3 consecutive National Best-Selling books "Positive Business Ideas”.
”Setiap Orang Sales Harus Baca Buku lni "and“ Setiap Manajer Harus Baca Buku Ini “.
Host of LiveTall<show”Smart Business Ta|k"in Radio Smart FM
“Buku penting untuk sukses. Baik untuk bisnis maupun pribadi, Beli, pelajari dan
praktikkan. Sukses untuk Anda!”
-          Tung Desem Waringin, Penulis Buku Terlaris Rekor MURI
Financial Revolution dan Marketing Revolution
"Buku yang sangat jitu menjelaskan Iangkah-Iangkah praktis untuk meraih sukses.
Bacalah buku ini dengan saksama, renungkan, hayati, dan praktikkan niscaya bisnis
Anda akan berkembang Iuar biasa."
-          AdiW.Gunawan,Ouantum Life Transformation dan Quitters Can Win,


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